Leverage powerful machine learning to swiftly extract text, handwriting, and data from electronic documents such as PDFs.
Streamline the processing of inbound invoices with a powerful workflow engine to automate the approval process and minimise delay.
Automate postings to SunSystems or SAP Business One to ensure complete visibility, avoid errors and reduce cost.
Drastically reduce the time and manual effort these processes take, while ensuring greater levels of accuracy.
Automatically extract relevant data from documents.
Works with any style of document.
No templates and no configuration required.
Include line-item detail in addition to information contained in the header.
Machine learning to understand the context of invoices and receipts.
Automatically identify vendor names that are essential for your workflows but may not be explicitly labeled.
Consolidate input from any type of receipt or invoice, even when different words are used for the same concept.
Automate the whole approval process with configurable workflows and see the status of each invoice in real time.
Track spending against budget with ease.
Easily configure invoice approval workflows to match your organisational structure using a pre-built template or create your own customised invoice approval process from scratch.
Seamlessly integrated into your Infor SunSystems or SAP Business One solutions.
Call us on 0113 273 7788