SunSystems provides unrivalled analysis power. Map and analyse activity against your own unique key performance indicators such as Cost Centre, Department, Field, Block, AFE and Project without having to manage a long and complicated Account list.
Report on projects across different time spans including period and year to date - or pick up all activity since inception - all from one source. Simplify the set up of new projects and entities. Analyse cash flow by project. Track complex expense and revenue appropriation for joint ventures.
Produce reports and regulatory information in any number of formats in minutes rather than days or weeks. Give every manager up-to-the-minute and personalised access to key metrics with drill down to transaction detail and document images.
Maintain unlimited companies, each with their own base and reporting currency. Use up to five currencies per transaction. Allocate costs across multiple sites and manage inter-company postings quickly and easily.
Replace manual systems with easier to use, more efficient systems for the management of employee expenses and purchasing. Keep spend within budget and account for every single penny of non-pay spend.
Choose LAKE Cloud to look after your systems, support home working, and leave you free to focus on running your organisation.
OEUK moves SunSystems to the Cloud
"Cloud eliminates the need to establish, maintain, and secure on-premise infrastructure. It reduces costs and simplifies the process of keeping systems up to date."
Greenlink chooses new LAKE Cloud solution
"When you are reporting in multiple worlds as we will need to do, a top-class product with powerful analysis is required."
Why is Data Lake an important feature of SunSystems Cloud?
SunSystems Cloud changes the way we make its data available to other applications.
Financial Management for the 21st Century: Why SunSystems Cloud is the Way to Go
Explore five key reasons for moving to SunSystems Cloud.
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